Developed a comprehensive website and managed a Google Ad marketing campaign for Mindcraft ABA, a therapy provider for children with special needs in Charlotte, NC.

Project Details

The project entailed building a user-friendly website designed to assist parents of children aged 2-18 with autism, ADHD, and other intellectual impairments. The website features detailed information on therapy services, developmental coaching for parents, a resource library with helpful articles and tips, and a secure portal for parents to schedule appointments and view progress reports. Alongside web development, we launched and managed a targeted Google Ad campaign aimed at increasing local awareness and engagement. This included keyword optimization to reach relevant audiences seeking ABA therapy services in and around Charlotte, NC.

Web Development


One major challenge was ensuring the website was accessible and easily navigable for all users, including those who might have disabilities. Another challenge was effectively targeting the local demographic in a sensitive and impactful manner through Google Ads without overwhelming parents with technical jargon or overly sales-focused content.


To tackle accessibility, we implemented ADA-compliant web design principles, ensuring the website was usable for parents with disabilities. For the Google Ad campaign, we carefully selected keywords and designed ads that communicated empathy and understanding, focusing on the benefits of ABA therapy and the supportive community Mindcraft ABA offers to families of children with special needs.


The launch of the website and the Google Ad campaign significantly increased Mindcraft ABA's visibility and client engagement. Parents reported appreciating the website's ease of use and the valuable resources provided, leading to a higher number of therapy bookings and inquiries.

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